Managing DOM element position and dimensions in React


The useRect hook provides a simple way to track and update the position and dimensions of a DOM element in relation to the viewport or a specified container. It can be particularly useful for tasks like positioning popups, tooltips, or tracking element visibility.


First, you need to import the useRect hook from the kitchn package.

import { useRect } from "kitchn";


Here is an example of how to use the useRect hook in a component:


The useRect hook accepts the following parameters:

initialStateReactiveDomReact | () => ReactiveDomReact(Optional) Initial state for the rectangle dimensions and position.


topnumberThe top position of the element relative to the container or viewport.
leftnumberThe left position of the element relative to the container or viewport.
rightnumberThe right position of the element relative to the container or viewport.
bottomnumberThe bottom position of the element relative to the container or viewport.
widthnumberThe width of the element.
heightnumberThe height of the element.
elementTopnumberThe top position of the element relative to the container or viewport, including any scrolling.

Return Value

The useRect hook returns an object with the following properties and functions:

rectReactiveDomReactThe current position and dimensions of the tracked element.
setRect(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement>, getContainer?: () => HTMLElement or null)A function to update the position and dimensions of the tracked element.
setRectWithRef(React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>, getContainer?: () => HTMLElement or null)A function to update the position and dimensions of the tracked element using a ref.